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Reptile Lighting System
Fluorescent Strip Bulbs: Day active lizards require a form of ultraviolet light called UVB to synthesize a vitamin called D3. Vitamin D3 is needed by reptiles to metabolize calcium in their food. If they are unable to synthesize calcium in their reptile, reptiles will suffer from a lethal condition called Metabolic Bone Disease. Fluorescent strip bulbs prevent this from taking place by providing reptiles the UVB they need.
Regular Fluorescent Tubes: They also emit UVB but only for 6 months. Those cheaper than strip bulbs, they constantly need replacing. Tubes come in different sizes and wattage power. The longer the tube, the greater the output.
Light Reflector: This is used to maximize range of lighting. Though not a requirement, it is highly recommended.
UV Plates: UV Plates are thin glass used to separate the light bulbs from the vivarium. Some UV plates do not allow ultraviolet light to pass, reducing the amount of quality light that your reptile gets. It is of utmost importance to look for plates that let UV rays through.
Vivarium Light Guard: It's mesh-like barrier or shield for mounting your light bulb. It is also used to prevent contact between light source and reptile.
Day/Night Regulator: This is to simulate day and night periods in the vivarium. The schedule of day/night alternations should be based on the conditions found in the natural habitat of the species.
Starter/Light Control Unit: The controller, which is mounted on top of the vivarium, kick-starts the light current for the vivarium.
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