Reptile Heating System

Heat/Spot Bulbs: In the wild, reptiles like Bearded Dragons love basking in the sun. Heat bulbs, the main source of heat in a vivarium, encourage this activity. Regular white bulb and light bulb are the two most commonly used types of heating bulbs. Spot bulbs emit very high temperature so a barrier or guard around the bulb should be in place to keep your pet from getting burned.

Ceramic Bulb: Ceramic bulb is more expensive than a regular white bulb, but is a great alternative for those who keep their vivarium in their bedroom. Ceramic bulbs emit heat without emitting white or visible light. For reptiles that require very high heat (e.g. snakes, desert lizards), ceramic bulbs are the perfect fit as they have power ratings of 250W or even more.

Thermostat: It should be attached to a spot bulb or a ceramic bulb to regulate the amount of heat it produces.

Heat Mat: This is a great heating option for beginner species or species that do not require high heat (e.g. corn snakes). Heat mats are thin mats placed on the floor of a vivarium, normally covering only a third of the enclosure. Of all vivarium heating tools, heat mats produce the lowest amount of heat. As such, they should not be regarded as the main or primary heating system, but rather for providing extra heat.

Heat Rocks: These are artificially heated rocks for lizards to bask on and keep themselves warm. They are best suited for ground-dwelling or desert lizards such as the bearded dragons. Like heat bulbs, hot rocks must also be regulated with a thermostat.



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