Determining If Keeping a Pet Reptile is For You

In some states and countries, it is illegal to keep certain kinds of reptiles as pets. In many places, for instance, owning any kind of venomous snake or alligator is illegal. The first step in deciding whether a reptile is for you is to find out if owning one is legal in your area.

Reptiles are Salmonella carriers. While Salmonella infections can be prevented through proper hygiene, owners must be aware of the risks and how to manage them particularly if they have other pets in the house. Owners should inform household members to wash their hands thoroughly after handling the animal or even after touching the vivarium.

The next thing you want to determine is the amount of money you can spend. Find out how much the cost of the reptile itself. Building a vivarium is not cheap. Upfront costs are needed for the substrate, temperature and humidity control, lighting equipment, substrate, heating, cleaning equipment and supplies, substrate, furnishings, and initial veterinary care. Initial cost for getting a $15 iguana, for instance, is around $250. For a $6 anole, you need to prepare about $75 -$100. Upkeep costs are higher even. Budget has to be made towards food and utility bill.

Lastly, determine how you will be able to provide for the food needs of your pet. Food reptiles vary from species to species - research your pet's dietary needs and determine if you will be able to provide them. Food for reptiles is harder to find than food for other pets as most of them like live rather than prepared food - is there any store around that can give you a good supply?



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